Overview & Credits
This short film explores the life and work of the renowned sculptor Aris Demetrios, known for his innovative use of materials and his quest to create art that engages with the natural world. Through historical interviews with Demetrios himself and current interviews with those who knew him best, we gain insight into his creative process, his inspirations and his legacy. The film takes us on a journey through some of his most iconic pieces, from his towering outdoor sculptures to his delicate mobiles, revealing the beauty and complexity of his art. Ultimately, the film celebrates the life of a true visionary whose work continues to inspire and captivate audiences today.
Director Biography
After starting his career as a still photographer for Time Life, Aronson began directing television films and commercials. Through Aronson Films, he directed MTV videos, television pilots and specials and over 500 commercials before turning to documentaries in 1999. Since then, Aronson has made award winning documentaries on a fascinating variety of topics. He is also a concert pianist and regularly plays chamber music in New York and at the Telluride Musicfest, the chamber music festival he founded in 2002 with his wife, violinist Maria Bachmann.
Josh Aronson -
Faith Jones -
Charles Humenry -
Musical Score
Maria Bachmann -
Randy Murdock -
Film Crew
Scott Soens -
Film Crew
Josh Aronson -
Film Crew
Key Cast
Luke Thompson
Oliver Barker
Eames Demetrios
Ilene Nagel